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Central State University Class of 1974

50th Reunion

Living Life Like It's Golden

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Classmates, it's hard to believe that it's 2024 and we are preparing to celebrate our 50th class reunion, but we are! When we graduated in 1974, it was a pretty hectic time.  The tornado not only ripped our University apart, but our classmates were scattered here and yonder, some of them not graduating until 1975. Well, it is now time to reunite and rekindle old friendships, reflect on our college days, remember the music we danced to, and pay homage to our own Central State University, the foundation of our careers.


Please share this site with other classmates, and let's vow to get together for Homecoming this October and celebrate our 50th Class Reunion. As we work with the Alumni Office, we'll update the site and keep you posted about what's going on.  So, mark your calendar now for October 10 - 13 and no excuses - see you on the Yard.


For God, For Central, For State

Click on Pictures below for Greetings from the Reunion Steering Committee
(double click to enlarge)
Class Letter1


My Dearest Centralian:


We are excited to see each of you again at our 50th Class Reunion Celebration on Saturday, October 12, 2024.  We are truly blessed with God’s Grace and Gift of LIFE as HE has chosen to allow us to fellowship once more. 


Our graduating class survived the April 3rd 1974 tornado that ripped through Xenia, Ohio, and destroyed 96% of our campus.  The graduation ceremony on the football field was a first for the University, and in June of 1974, 320 students graduated. The most significant accomplishment in life is not avoiding failure but instead getting back up every time we fall. Our reunion theme is "Living Life Like It's Golden."


We share many memorable traditions of Breezeway parties, eating whole Cornish Hens on Sundays, bartering with the Pie Man (Wilbur) on Sunday nights, movies on “Church Side”, sitting out on Mitchell Hall Hill, listening to Caribbean drum beats, catching rides on Wilbur’s Green Bus, seeing political activists such as Stokely Carmichael, Angela Davis, Jessie Jackson, and the Black Panthers, all Live and in Living Color on OUR campus!!


Since graduation, we have scattered to many corners of the United States and abroad.  It is for this reason that we are asking you to come back and celebrate our legacy, appreciating all that Central State University has given us. While some have attended several homecomings since graduation, others haven’t been on campus in nearly fifty years. For this reason, the Class of ’74 50th Reunion Committee strongly urges you to step out on faith, no matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up!  Join us as we commemorate our past, be thankful for being present, and celebrate the future!


Central State University holds beautiful memories of unforgettable times. It’s the laughter when we remember the way we were!  Please come back and help to celebrate the gift of LIFE!


Very truly yours,


Christine J. Townsell & Kathy Starks Dow                         

Co-Chairs, Class of 1974 50th Reunion







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